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Playing It Wrong

Playing It Wrong

By C. Thorin

Welcome to Playing It Wrong, the They Might Be Gazebos podcast. about D&D, RPG's and the people who play. Remember: Roll dice. Kill Monsters. Take their stuff. And HAVE FUN! Find us on Facebook: Visit the Blog: And you can support the podcast at Or visit our page on Drivethrurpg; Or on Lulu:
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Episode 14: Cities!

Playing It WrongApr 21, 2019



It's been a couple of months but we're still around on the podcast front.   We just renewed the hosting on the blog and thanks to all those contributed over the year.  And we're looking at some additional spaces to play around namely itchio and Locals Plus we've got a really cool project we're working, stay tuned for the official announcement on the blog for that.  Plus we've got all that mundane life stuff that everyone has.  Don't worry. We've got a plan for the podcast.

Till next time. Roll dice. Kill monsters. Take their stuff.  And have fun.

Oct 18, 202004:04


I've got so much going on.  I need to ramp up on the old blog, a handful of RPG projects to get done, and some DIY projects around the house. So what takes up the most time for the least return? Well, that's the podcast.  I'm done just taking a couple weeks off of the podcast. But there's going to be more on the blog and some neat stuff coming out soon.  Thanks and I'll be back.  I really do enjoy this.

Jul 05, 202001:45
Preservation Thru Evolution So Go Out & Make Stuff

Preservation Thru Evolution So Go Out & Make Stuff

You don't need any special certificate, accreditation, or license to make RPG stuff. Just do it. A lot of us older folks in the OSR get the label and I think we subconsciously follow that label that we are "The Establishment.  We aren't we're the underground comics. We're punk rock.  So let's go out there and make cool stuff and share it. Let others know about the cool stuff others are making. Personally, I have to get off my butt and get more done. More blog posts. More episodes of the pod cast. And just get a lot of that stuff that's been in my head out. And share it.

Jun 21, 202008:40
Status Report

Status Report

Just a very short little shout out.  Still around just getting the whole media "empire" in order.  Don't worry things will be happening.  Thanks

Jun 15, 202001:35
Cepheus Engine

Cepheus Engine

In this episode, I go on a little rant about the Cepheus Engine( old-school Traveler) and more specifically about Sword of Cepheus. It's a pretty darned good Sword & Sorcery RPG.  A more detailed review is forth coming  on the blog. Plus there's a good chance you'll more about some of the games running off these rules. I've already done a review of Zaibatsu.

Thanks for listening. Roll Dice. Kill Monsters. Take Their Stuff. And Have Fun.

Oh.  And I've just joined up on Buy Me a Coffee if you want to help support the blog and podcast.

Thanks for listening

Jun 07, 202013:47
Bonus Episode: ePic Character Generator
May 28, 202003:40
Roll Initiative!

Roll Initiative!

This episode I talk about initiative and high some interesting methods I've seen over the years in such games as TWERPS, The Hero System, Shadowrun, and Savage Worlds.  Find out where I stole my house rule from.  And finally back to reading from the Tomes of Ancient Forbidden Knowledge.  This time Druid Spells from Eldritch Wizardry, Supplement III. 

May 25, 202019:50
The First Official Bonus Episode

The First Official Bonus Episode

Well, made it to the 50 Likes on the Facebook page. So that means Bonus Episodes every week.  As the first one, I'm complain about Lulu's major screw up.  And send out some Get Well Soon vibes to Erik Tenkar.

May 20, 202003:40
Episode 17: I Hate Some People

Episode 17: I Hate Some People

This episode is a total ramble cast. I hate "some people". You know that mythical bunch that is always cited by someone in online arguments. It's always "some people". Not much going on in the way of gaming but got lots of ideas bouncing around inside my head. But that's for a later blog post. Plus a shout out to the new Kickstarter by Bloat Games, Survive This Fantasy. And there's some other stuff too. No Tomes of Ancient Forbidden Knowledge. That'll be next episode.

Remember: Roll Dice. Kill Monsters. Take Their Stuff. And Have Fun.

Check out the Patreon.

Or just like the Facebook Page. One more Like and it means bonus episodes.  Heck, I might even set something up one MeWe. We shall see.

May 17, 202009:09
Episode 16: Magic Guilds What Are They Good For?
May 03, 202013:50
Old School Psionics WTF? and Beauty Is Only Skin Deep

Old School Psionics WTF? and Beauty Is Only Skin Deep

I really tried to delve into the Psionics in Supplement III: Eldritch Sorcery.  It just made my brain hurt.  But isn't that what Psionics is about?  Also, a call in and another tale from the Bag of Too Many Things.  

And we're one "Like" away on Facebook.  That means bonus episodes!

Thanks for listening.  Roll dice. Kill monsters. Take their stuff. And have fun!

Apr 19, 202010:16
Judging A Game Before You Play

Judging A Game Before You Play

What can turn off a game before you even buy it, read it, or play it?  My big two things are character sheets and the community around the game. And I know this is a short episode but hey things are crazy and I'm trying to get back into some normal habits.  And it's a shorter episode than normal. But we're getting things back on track.

And remember. Roll dice. Kill monsters. Take their stuff. And have fun.

Thanks for listening

Apr 12, 202010:22
Don't Let Monsters Be Boring

Don't Let Monsters Be Boring

I missed last week but here I am back with another episode.  This time I'm talking about making monsters interesting. It doesn't take much and you don't have to make every one of them weird.  Because if everything is weird then nothing is weird. The top three things are tactics, personality and location. I also delve into the Druid in Eldritch Sorcery. Thanks for listening.  Remember. Roll Dice. Kill Monsters. Take Their Stuff. Have Fun. And Stay Safe!

Mar 29, 202022:54
Bonus Episode 2: Design Journals, YARC, Zoong, and Fighters

Bonus Episode 2: Design Journals, YARC, Zoong, and Fighters

I decided to use the Bonus Episodes as a Design Journal for my own little set of house rules which I call YARC (Yet Another Retro-Clone) and to spruce up my main campaign world, Zoong.  Heck, I may also do some rambles about my other projects.  Who knows? Remember. Roll Dice. Kill Monsters. Take Their Stuff. Have Fun. And Be Safe!


Mar 26, 202007:24
Lots of Projects and Keeping The Fires Burning

Lots of Projects and Keeping The Fires Burning

Yes, everything is crazy.  So here's a little update.  Busy with day job and doing my best to keep things going with the Podcast and Blog.  I just may do some at the desk ramble casts as Bonus Episodes.  We shall see. Stay safe out there.

Mar 22, 202002:02
Beware the Boxed Text

Beware the Boxed Text

This week I delve into the Boxed Text.  The bane of many adventures. Be inspired by it but don't get tied to it. You can even ignore it. And a very special call in. Plus, I also start on reading from Supplement III: Eldritch Wizardry.  There's some pretty good thoughts in the beginning of the book. 

Mar 15, 202018:08
Let's Redefine Grognard

Let's Redefine Grognard

A crazy idea. Let's redefine Grognard.  Not the old grumpy gamer but gamer who's about the game.  After the end of G+, people are more and more forming new communities and having a good time. There's enough division and negativity going around.  Plus where I get my organic gummy bears.  And I finish up on Supplement II: Blackmoor.

Mar 08, 202014:13
Genre and Setting Save Yourself Some Work
Mar 01, 202019:07
Make Your Own Fantasy Heart Breaker

Make Your Own Fantasy Heart Breaker

Hey, all those old-school games out there are mostly compatible. So go ahead and mix and match and make the game you want to play. There's nothing stopping you.   Also, Swords & Wizardry Appreciation Day is coming soon! Congrats to every one who did the Zine Quest.  And roll those dice.  Thanks for listening.

Feb 23, 202013:36
Episode 8: Hey I get to play this time!
Feb 16, 202021:21
Episode 7: Steve The Paladin & Another Difference in Old-School Games
Feb 09, 202023:58
Pet Peeves & The Dumbest Thing Ever In D&D
Feb 02, 202014:02
Episode 5: Kickstarters, The Old West, and Blackmoor

Episode 5: Kickstarters, The Old West, and Blackmoor

Coming Soon!  The Kickstarter for the new Swords & Wizardry Boxed Set from Frog God Games. I'm excited.  And do a little rant on the Blight campaign, you won't believe what the Druid befriended. And I'm thinking more about old West RPG's. Thanks to Mark Hunt's Tall Tales and the Podcast Ain't Slayed Nobody. And I start reading from Supplement 2: Blackmoor. Hello, Monks and Assassins.

Like this episode? Then check out the Patreon!

Jan 26, 202026:45
Episode 4: Ramble, Ramble, Ramble
Jan 19, 202020:40
Welcome to The Blight

Welcome to The Blight

Just started my Swords & Wizardry game in The Blight. Say hi to the new characters.  The story is just starting.  Big shout outs to for the Heroes Journey Kickstarter and starting this week Ain't Slayed Nobody, a Wild West Call of Cthulhu Actual Play Podcast.  Believe it or not, I actually got something done and released on Drivethru, the Gazebo Gazette Issue No 2. And of course the usual rants.

And don't forget to check out the Patreon. 

Jan 12, 202016:20
Of Dice and Characters
Jan 05, 202022:08
Happy New Year: Year of the Double Crits

Happy New Year: Year of the Double Crits

Happy New Year, dear listeners!  Hopefully, you're not hungover.  It's a new year and time for more attitude.  Thanks to everyone. Now roll initiative against the New Year.  Let's get this party started.

"Take the Lead" Kevin MacLeod (

Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 4.0 License

Jan 01, 202005:12
It's that time where everybody is thinking

It's that time where everybody is thinking

Like just about everyone else I start thinking about this year and plans for the next.  So give it listen and hear what's coming up.  But I'll give this clue, there's lots of shout outs to some folks producing cool stuff.

Cool stuff this year goes to Old Skull Publishing (and his great games Sharp Swords & Sinister Spells, Dark Streets & Darker Secrets, Solar Blades & Cosmic Spells). Also Old Essentials from Necrotic Gnome wonderfully organized and easy to use take on BX D&D. Then there's Goodman Games. DCC Lankhmar. Hell yeah! And Frog God Games. Great Kickstarters like Tegel Manor and small print run Indiegogo campaigns for some neat adventures. And then there's Skeeter Green and his new entry into publishing.

With that. Roll Dice. Kill Monsters. Take their stuff. And have fun!

Dec 15, 201922:47
What Should I Play?

What Should I Play?

We had a case of GM burnout in the gaming group so we're heading back to 5E with a fresh GM.  Time to make a new character.  So what should I play?  WOTC hasn't put our as many splat books as in the old days but there's still a lot of stuff.  And as far as DM's Guild goes. There's a lot of junk. I mean a whole lot of junk. Plus the usual rants and reading from the Ancient Tomes.  200 HD Monsters? 

Dec 09, 201920:48
Handling NPC's
Dec 01, 201919:34
The Case For Short Campaigns
Nov 24, 201915:17
Social Media Vs Content

Social Media Vs Content

This time I go totally off the normal beaten track and talk about search engines and social media and that they're pretty much stacked against the little guy or the "outsider". Let's face it. Celebrity and controversy get more traction than content. So to heck with it. Time to do things your way.  Enjoy the doing and let the rest of it rot.    And a special shout out to The Happy Whisk and the usual features.  D&D Boot Camp and I continue reading from Greyhawk.

"Take the Lead" Kevin MacLeod (

Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 4.0 License

Nov 10, 201923:11
This Week Supers and Lots of House Cleaning
Nov 03, 201922:35
Bodaks, Spellcasters and "New" Cleric Spells
Oct 27, 201926:47
You should really use the environment to make those encounters interesting

You should really use the environment to make those encounters interesting

An encounter should be more than just a PC's and monsters attacking each other.  Those some interesting terrain or environmental hazards into the mix.   Also, this episode the "new" cleric spells in Greyhawk and a little rant for beginners trying to play a magic-user.

"Take the Lead" Kevin MacLeod (

Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 4.0 License

Oct 13, 201916:15
The Noting and Catch Up Episode

The Noting and Catch Up Episode

Last episode ran really long so this one we're catching up.  We've the Session Summary and I forgot that damage from Clay Golems takes a 17th level Cleric to heal it. I like everybody else mentions Feast of Legends.  Talk about playing a Fighter in D&D Boot Camp.  Read from the original Greyhawk and the insanely powered 9th level Magic-User Spells.  And shout outs about The Egyptian Situation From Outer Time by Old Skull Games and a new Kickstarter by Elf Lair Games: Night Shift: Veterans of the Supernatural Wars.

Oct 06, 201926:00
Lankhmar, Tegel Manor, and The Blight

Lankhmar, Tegel Manor, and The Blight

I got call ins from Gothridge Manor and three podcast unboxings!  DCC Lankhmar.  Tegel Manor, and The Blight.  Give it a listen. All good stuff and so glad that I bought.  And heck I couldn't resist doing an unboxing video too.  You can check that out over at the fledgling Youtube channel.  Please subscribe over there.

And if you liked this episode. Then you can subscribe on or visit the Patreon.

Take the Lead" Kevin MacLeod (

Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 4.0 License

Sep 29, 201927:40
Why Fantasy?
Sep 22, 201917:59
Sweet Mystery of Life.
Sep 16, 201920:24
Fusion Gaming
Sep 08, 201925:05
Urban Adventures

Urban Adventures

Erik Tenkar and Gothridge Manor have already talked about this stuff. Since I'm preparing to run The Blight by Frog God Games, I figured it's time I share my initial thoughts. Don't fear the city. Be ready to improvise. And too many details will just bog you down. Plus the usual features. D&D Boot Camp and Reading from the Ancient Tomes.  Roll dice, kill monsters, take their stuff, and have fun.

If you like this episode please visit The Patreon

"Take the Lead" Kevin MacLeod (

Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 4.0 License

Sep 01, 201922:49
More About Swords & Wizardry for the New School
Aug 25, 201923:37
Swords & Wizardry The Gateway Clone

Swords & Wizardry The Gateway Clone

This episode I rekindle my love for Swords & Wizardry.  I've talked that much about it recently but then there was an epiphany.  It makes the perfect game as a gateway and bridge between the old-school games and the current editions.  You can check out more about Swords & Wizardry at Frog God Games.  For some fun listening check out the Swords & Misery Podcast for some actual play. And check out Matt Finch's Patreon too.

This episode also debuts a new segment, D&D Boot Camp. Advice and wisdom to new players and game masters. And as usual there's the reading from the original old books.

And you can support the podcast too. You can subscribe or join the Patreon.

Intro Music: "Take the Lead" Kevin MacLeod (

Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 4.0 License

Aug 19, 201919:49
Rebooting and Rants on Celebrity D&D, Social Media, Gate Keeping and Old School Gaming

Rebooting and Rants on Celebrity D&D, Social Media, Gate Keeping and Old School Gaming

The landscape has changed. D&D is mainstream. Social media networks go away (looking at you G+). And some mystic cabal appoints the influencers. What's the common gamer to do?  Play it your way.   I know I have a "plan".  It's time to go Punk.

And here's the link to the old blog post mentioned in this episode.

Also, it's that time of year that I start setting the goals for next year so I took as a prefect time to put a new coat of paint on the podcast.  We have music and even a few bumpers.  So if you're a new listener start here. We've worked out a lot of kinks 

Intro Music: "Take the Lead" Kevin MacLeod (

Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 4.0 License

Aug 11, 201917:55
Change What The Players See

Change What The Players See

I travel back in time and talk about world building again.  This time it's all about the player characters.  Go ahead and mess around with Races & Classes and all that player facing stuff.  And we've got a call-in from The Yawning Owlbear himself. Thanks, Mark.

Jul 28, 201915:35
Find Your Voice

Find Your Voice

In this episode, I rant about being yourself and and finding your own voice whether it be in blogging, gaming, or podcasting.   Plus updates and what's been going on, mysterious hints about what's on the way, and more readings from the Little Brown Books of D&D. This week it's the example of play.

Jul 21, 201916:26
Players Do Your Homework
Jul 14, 201917:55
Actual Plays: Tell us about the game

Actual Plays: Tell us about the game

I've got shout to Happy Whisk and emails from the Yawning Owlbear.  And I go off on  a little rant on actual play podcasts and streams.  And I finish up on Volume 2: Monsters & Treasures of the Little Brown Books.

Jul 07, 201921:22
Episode 24: Adventures are setting too

Episode 24: Adventures are setting too

More rants about gaming.  Previously, I talked about how adventures are guidelines. Guess what?  They are setting too.  And all the usual features.  What been happening around my game table and more readings from the Little Brown Books.

Jun 30, 201917:04
Episode 23: Lethality, Kickstarters, and Little Brown Books

Episode 23: Lethality, Kickstarters, and Little Brown Books

Mark Wallring of The Yawning Owlbear Anchorcast sent in an email on lethality in 5E so I rant more on that.  It's about system mastery.  I got lots of goodies this weekend.  Kickstarters are starting to come in and I got some cool stuff. And as usual even more readings from the Little Brown Books. Yep, still on Monsters & Treasure.

Jun 23, 201918:38